Allison Chen

Computer Science PhD Student (2022-Present)

Princeton University

allisonchen *at* princeton *dot* edu

LinkedIn Headshot

I'm a third year PhD student at Princeton University studying computer science. I am advised by Dr. Olga Russakovsky and am supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

My research interests lie in the intersection of computer science and cognitive science. For example, how can we use cognitive science approaches as means of explainability for machine learning models?

I'm also passionate about non-conventional means of technology education to the general public, such as through museums, and striving towards better shaping public perception of AI technology.

I completed my B.S. in computer science with a minor in cognitive science from UCLA in 2022. At UCLA, I was an undergraduate researcher in the UCLA Vision Lab where I worked under Dr. Stefano Soatto and with Dr. Alex Wong.

I was also involved with the Society of Women Engineers @ UCLA where I led the Engineering For Humanity Research Symposium to make academic research more accessible to undergraduates.

I'm passionate about making academia more accessible to all students, regardless of background. If you have questions about research, navigating college, or thinking about grad school, please shoot me an email, I'd be more than happy to chat :)

I love to cook, paint, read, travel, go on hikes, rock climbing, and play Spikeball!
